Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Boost Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Did you know there are so many natural ways to improve the chances of  being pregnant but among all the most important thing is to prepare your body before trying to conceive for at least a year.. Apart form boost the chances of getting pregnant but also it reduce pregnant complications because your body is well and healthy enough to handle anything that is not of a major issue.

How to prepare your body 

1. Start by eating health foods.
2. Take vitamins
3. Make sure you are getting enough folic acid (ask your Dr if you need to add folic acid supplement)
4. Get in shape if you are underweight try to gain some, if you are overweight try to loose some weight.
5. If you smoke stop smoking
6. If you abuse drugs stop doing that
7. If you drink stop drinking
8. Drink plenty of water in a regular basis
9. Good night sleep

If you have tried to get pregnant for 6 to 8 months without any lucky, the things to do or eat more to increase your chances are:-

Essential Fatty acid
Chaste tree berry
Red raspberry leaf
Evening primrose oil

Good Luck