Thursday, December 06, 2012

The First Manuscript is Done!!!!!!!

It has been a long time coming but I am so happy to say that one of my manuscripts is finally Done. You heard that correct, it's finally done. Yippee!!!!! I have been away lately because I gave myself a deadline to finish this book. I started writing this book about five years ago. That's right five years ago but in between that I have written three more books (all are still in the finally process). 

Now comes the funny part (editing). I have just sent it to my friends and close associates to read it, comment on it and let me know if there are things to take out or elaborate more.I am working on get it published, The Gift of Natural Beauty (KWANZA, Spring 2013).

Everyone has a story to tell or something to teach. They say if you sit down and write for ten minutes everyday, you can write a book-length manuscript in 3 months. This book took much longer than that because of positive friends who pushed me to tell my story. They believed in me and the longer I was writing the more I started to believe in myself that the story is worth to share with the world. So for the past three months I have been writing and writing to finish up the book.   

So what is this book really about? 
The Gift of Natural Beauty is a collection of natural beauty procedures that I have developed after having to eliminate store-bought beauty products from my daily beauty routines. It’s a guide and tips to help you to make fantastic natural beauty decisions more easy and simple whether you are using all natural products or not.  The collection is from trials and misses, attending seminars, workshops and natural beauty meetup classes from the pros in Northern NJ and New York City gathered over 5 years. The Gift of Natural Beauty is your new trusted beauty adviser and friend who will lead you on your daily beauty routine.

By the way this is not the actual book cover. I was just playing with my imagination on different ideas. I will have the book professional done.

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