Saturday, February 25, 2017

Start Early To Teach Kids To Give Back

It's very important to teach kids to give back. The sooner you start to introduce the idea the better. The children who know what it means or why the need to give back, they became more grateful and hardly turned to be "give me" kids. 

There are s many ways you can introduce this idea to your kids but here are the few. 

1. Donate your stuffs

When the kids see you donate your stuffs, they will understand and learn from very young age. Have them help you to sort clothing or things around the house that you don't use or won't use them anymore.

2. Share their stuffs

Let your kids choose the toys or books they don't use anymore. Even if they come up with nothing let them donate one book or one toy only with the agreement of getting a reward. Do not push them if they do not want to part with their toys yet. 

3. Make a donation basket

Each time you go shopping make sure to buy something and put on a basket. When the basket is full take it with your kids to the homeless shelter, your local food pantry or to a neighbor you know they are really struggling. But make sure you have talked to the neighbor prior to bringing your stuffs. 

4. Volunteer

Take your kids to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, local food pantry and other places that will teach or show your child the gratitude of the life she/he has and the importance of helping those who are less fortune.

5.Help neighbors
If you can do anything for your neighbor such as removing the garbage, shoveling the snow to an elder neighbor is a nice way to show your kids the importance of helping others

6. Make birthdays charitable
Set up birthday parties as a time for giving to others. Talk to your child about those who are less fortune. Ask your class teacher to ask the students to donate books (used or new) to donate to hospitals, inner city kids etc.