1. Guest blogger
If you have means such as money always look for people who are smarter than you to create contexts. If you don't have money the easier way is to get smart people to write on your blog is that,if your blog is attracting a significant number of daily readers, you can request members of your community who always post intelligent comments to help you out by guest-blogging on your site.
2. Content repurposing
Your contents doesn't have to be original thought all the times. Don't get me wrong, you should always strive to make fresh, original and quality contents but you’re wasting a golden opportunity if you’re not maximizing the use of the content that you’ve already created.
3. The power of consistency
This is one of the most important and always neglected. Decide what you’re going to do, do it, then keep doing it. Anything else is dilettantism.
4. Good and effective headline
Good represents short but very big word and effective manages to get people to do what you want. Always create a headline that will attract curiosity readers but makesure the headline delivers the same message.
5. Visual
As we all know people learn in different ways. Some they understand more by reading, some by listening and some by visual. Always remember it’s not all about writing, add strong visuals such as graphics, photographs, videos, podcasts if available.