Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to limit your baby's exposure to toxins

1. If you suspect your home has lead, keep painted surfaces in good repair.
2. Remove shoes when you come inside to avoid tracking in lead dust. 3. Run the tap water for a minute or two in the morning to flush out water resting in pipes.
4. Discard any old or recalled toys that may contain lead paint.
5. To reap the brain boosting benefits of seafood for your baby, learn to serve healthier fish.
6. Wash fruits and vegetables under running water, those with a heavy skin like melons and potatoes, can be scrubbed with a brush.
7. No level of exposure to tobacco is safe, so strictly ban smoking around your child. If you smoke, do everything you can to quit. All smokers should light up outside.
8. Install Carbon Monoxide detector (Check batteries often)
9. Keep mold at bay by controlling water leaks and fixing water damage quickly.

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